EXCELLENCE Criminal Litigation
The Firm’s name is synonymous with excellence in criminal litigation. Our longstanding reputation has been built steadily over the years.
Criminal proceedings can often be lengthy and stressful, which is why our team of expert lawyers are well placed to assist clients in these matters, as their experience in criminal cases means that clients are assured they are receiving exceptional representation. Top care always goes into the strategy and implementation/decision making phase at the very early stages of an investigation to ensure a successful outcome.
In the unfortunate event of a police investigation, we endeavour to resolve the matter as quickly and discreetly as possible. Our Lawyers will at all times be by your side during any police interview or interrogation and carefully guide you through this challenging process. The Firm’s approach in court cases is the careful consideration of every detail, legal or evidential point to strive a high acquittal rate. Top care always goes into the preparation of the defendant’s defense in the pre-trial phase of any case to ensure a successful outcome.
Our goal is to secure the best result for our clients, while at the same time taking appropriate steps to protect them from devastating reputational, personal, financial, and professional consequences.
The Firm’s services are not only limited in representing individuals but also corporates. Our experience encompasses cases involving allegations of bribery and corruption, tax fraud, false accounting, conspiracy to defraud, commodities and currency frauds, bank fraud, insider dealing, money laundering and financial sanctions breaches. We are adept at navigating the complex regulatory and criminal issues that arise in business crime cases.
We welcome difficult and complex cases and take pride in the results that we achieve, while advancing the law in obtaining precedent – setting decisions. Our lawyers are astute, supportive and always prepared to immediately deal with such cases and provide instantaneous, strategic advice throughout every step of the proceedings.