Landlord and tenant law (or rental law) is a part of private civil law that deals with the rights and duties of landlords and tenants. It includes elements of both land law and contract law.
Our firm advises current and prospective clients of their general obligations as well as their rights according to the Law related to Private Rent in Cyprus, offering security and protection.
The relationship between landlord and tenant is defined by the existence of either a leasehold estate or a contractual obligation. The type of tenancy that exists, is a matter that is governed by the various terms included in the lease or rental agreement.
Moreover, in some jurisdictions, including Cyprus, many tenancies are considered as rent-controlled tenancies and as long as the tenant pays his/her rent they are secured without any time limit in their possession of the property.
In Cyprus all private or business premises that are within the limits of the main municipalities and other tourist areas are rent-controlled areas, and as such, rental leases of houses built before the year 2000 have no expiry date whilst the rents are controlled and can be determined by the rental tribunal. The competent court for landlord and tenant matters in rent-controlled tenancies is the Rent Control Tribunal. All other tenancies fall under the jurisdiction of the District Courts under contract law.

Our services include:
- Legal opinions on rent related matters.
- Drafting rental agreements.
- Eviction.
- Breach of rental covenants.
- Determination of rent.
- Wrongful holdovers and trespassing.
- Execution of decisions, e.g. collection of rents and writs of possession.
- Appeals.